pointless sites
No Under 14s
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Divergent websites - for inspiring people.
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Listed: Top Voted first, Newest first, A-Z


Animations for everyone over the age of 14.
They may be offensive, horrid, lewd, inspiring and/or weird.

   The Animal - There's a goddamn animal in the house!
   Horse raised by spheres - Peculiar. Press enter, click the red dot.
   OMG Gaming Mouse - The ultimate gaming mouse
   mute - Animation about mouthless people
   Rejected - Bizarre cartoons
   Palace of chairs - Guess who's back?
   The End - How the world might end
   Candy - Candy the magic dinosaur. Check out episodes 2, 3 and 4 too.
   Pointless sites - Pointless sites - our sister site. A plethora of pointlessness.
   Robot Chicken Gummy Bear - I'm so happy 'cos I'm a gummy bear...
   Hand thing - nutters!
   Don't hug me - ...
   Prime number shitting bear - A fascinating mathematical demonstration. With sound effects.
   Pencil - creepy weird film about a girl and a pencil
   Kado - Bla bla bla rawraraghgh
   stfu - STFU!
   Scrape Scraperteeth - or the crushing punch/slap/stab of real estate madness.
   Robots are our friends - ...mostly harmless.
   Robot Pirates - We are the robot pirates!
   Modern Living - Modern Living/Neurotica
   The best 404 page - Refresh for more...
   ASDF Movie - ASDF Movie
   Light people on fire - Do you have a burning desire?
   ZOMG Zufall! - Refresh for more
   Amazing Horse - Sweet lemonade...
   Butt dance - Shake it.
   I love noodles - How much do you love them?
   Make my head grow - Use the arrow keys
   Robogran - Duck?
   Don't pick your nose - Ew!
   Explosm - Cyanide & Happiness
   Keep Busy - Vids :)
   Ignite people on fire - Do you have an intense burning desire?
   Men's room monologue - All you ever wanted to know about Men's rooms

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